Friday, June 20, 2008

Some Summer Reading Ideas....

In the past we had a Pastor's Book Table out in our foyer. On it would be four or five books for sale that people could pick up. They tended to be books that I had found helpful in cultivating my relationship with God.

In the near future we may reinstitute the Pastor's Book Table on Sunday mornings. In the meantime here are some things that would be on the table right now.

1. In Search of Guidance: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, by Dallas Willard

2. The Seeking Heart, by Francis Fenelon

3. Epic: The Story God is Telling by John Eldredge

4. Simply Christian, by N. T. Wright

5. New Living Translation of the Bible, 2nd Edition

Next week I'll write a brief review of each book and tell you why they are worth your trouble.

*Edit - I just checked Amazon and apparently later editions of Dallas Willard's book are entitled Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God. You'll have more luck finding it under that title.


The Curtis Crew said...

Hi Elliott!
I'm not commenting about your summer reading, just saying welcome to the world of blogging. Although I'm sure your blog will carry much more depth than mine, I love's my new favorite hobby.

The church newsletter is awesome. It looks like you guys are doing great. We still miss you guys like crazy! I just have to rub it in a little bit...I am loving the 80 degrees summer, vs. well, you know.

Looking forward to keeping up with you through your blog!


Elliott Scott said...

We miss you too, Melissa. I don't begrudge you your 80 degree summer. Your 9 months of winter will return soon...

And you're right about the depth of my blog. There is nothing deeper than an exploding whale.

Nicholas said...

Well, you're really just covering each of the many facets of the human experience.

Aren't we all, at some point in our lives, covered in tiny particles of dead whale?

The Curtis Crew said...

I'll just be so proud of myself when the day comes that a dead whale washes up in Cleveland and I will know exactly what to do with it. Think of the hero I will become thanks to you. I will definitely credit everything I know to you when I give my acceptance speech.

Logan said...

Personally not a huge fan of flying blubber....

Elliott Scott said...

Wow, Nicholas, I may have to put that quote somewhere on the blog:

"Aren't we all, at some point in our lives, covered in tiny particles of dead whale."

It says so much without meaning anything.