Monday, June 30, 2008

The Amy Winehouse of American Denominations

Just this once I'm going to break my vow and comment on denominational politics.

The PCUSA's General Assembly met last week and I can't help myself. It was like watching Amy Winehouse loose in a pharmaceutical warehouse. You don't want to watch someone talented and beautiful self-destruct, and yet it's almost impossible to turn away.

Here are the highlights:

1. They voted once again to ask the presbyteries to remove the ordination standards from the Book of Order.
2. They passed two Authoritative Interpretations designed to gut the ordination standards, no matter what the presbyteries do.
3. They voted to change the historic Heidelberg Catechism to match their theology.
4. They voted to create a legal fund to raise money to pursue legal proceedings against congregations who wish to leave the PCUSA with their property.
5. They voted to create a commission to pursue the insane idea that the Evangelical Presbyterian Church is somehow to blame for congregations wanting to leave the PCUSA.

If you really want more info, go to or or to some of the political bloggers or

We should pray for the folks we left behind in the PCUSA. There are many congregations who would leave but are afraid they'll lose their property. There are others who will continue to battle against the theological slide into the abyss.

Personally, I think I'll delete the bookmarked websites that discuss these issues. It's so emotionally and spiritually draining to watch. And God has called us out of the PCUSA so that we can build something new for him. It's time to get to work.

There is much that is still beautiful about the PCUSA but watching its slow suicide is profoundly sad. Goodbye, Amy.


Anonymous said...

Elliott: I don't blame you a bit. I continue to follow the train wreck that is the mainline churches in the hope of saving some of those who would otherwise be destroyed by the soul-shattering apostasy that is all around them. The more people know about what is happening in their denominations (and sadly, most don't know), the more likely it is that they will flee before the final crash. But we also very much need those whose blogging builds the spirit, and points to the marvelous, transforming grace of Christ. Blog on, brother!

David Fischler
The Reformed Pastor

Elliott Scott said...

David, thanks for stopping in and posting. The service that you and other bloggers do for the church is very important.

I read your blog on a regular basis and am thankful for you!

Athanasius said...

Thanks for the kind word. Blessings to you!


Anonymous said...

How very, very sad. As I was reading the blog mind kept echoing "Don't look back....Don't look back".
Bud Reed

Elliott Scott said...

I just deleted a comment from someone who didn't leave his or her name.

If you wish to debate, please at least have the courtesy to identify yourself.

Anonymous said...

this is full of fear
stop patting yourself on the back and look at the path of damage behind you

Elliott Scott said...

Three responses and then I'm done:

1. Listing the actions of the GA hardly makes one "full of fear" I invite folks to look for themselves at those actions. What would be truly frightening is ignoring the actions of the Assembly and pretending these things don't matter.

2. Accusing others of being full of fear when lobbing verbal bombs from anonymity isn't terribly convincing. You would have more credibility if you gave your name.

3. While I did make a political post, denominational politics really isn't the theme of this blog. This one post was primarily to say, "Goodbye to All That"

Any further anonymous shots from out of the dark will be deleted without further comment.

There are many many other blogs which would better suit your needs. I've listed two in the post itself.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
schlossadler said...

Anita W.
On the contrary, bashing the destructive actions that have recently taken place in our former denomination (and by association the black eye they are giving ALL Presbyterians)only enhances his standing in our eyes. And I would say the PCUSA also got what it wanted, one less voice in its ranks to condemn its shameful behavoir, and one less church under leadership unwilling to be complicit in the destruction of that part of the body of Christ called the PCUSA.

Elliott Scott said...

Sorry but "Anita W" is an anonymous post. So....deleted.

Kyle Walker said...

Well, I disagree with you Elliott but I'm not going to tussle with you about it because I doubt we will change each other's minds.

I just grieve at the lack of humility on all sides of these comments. It does not make for a good witness to anyone in the community.

We are all Christians at the end of the day no matter how much we may or may not like to count that for anything.

I am praying for you. I hope you will pray for me.

Elliott Scott said...

Thanks, Kyle.

I'm not really interested in arguing about the issues anymore either. We spent all last fall and spring arguing. Quite honestly, it was an exausting season.

When the presbytery ruled against the 83% of Heritage who asked to withdraw, we did as we were asked and left the property peacefully. We certainly could have fought it out in the courts but it seemed better to us to start fresh. While I care for the folks who remain in the PCUSA, I don't consider that my place in the battle anymore.

I think the 2008 General Assembly confirmed that the PCUSA is headed in a different direction from where we, the majority of Heritage, now Lifepath Church, are going.

And, as the post says, I do believe the PCUSA is committing a slow theological and institutional suicide. That brings me no joy. The post was meant to convey sadness that something beautiful - the PCUSA - is dying.

To those that disagree, I wish you nothing but good. We all must walk the path on which we believe God is leading us. And in the end, God is the only one who will say how well we have walked.

Kyle Walker said...

I guess my biggest critique of your article is that in conveying the sadness that you believe the denomination is dying, making comparatives to Amy Winehouse is a pretty provocative thing to do. I understand you believe the PCUSA has let the inmates run the assylum. However, I doubt you will find the Utopia you expect in any other denomination. There will be people to deal with with whom you disagree about essential things and you will have to live in that boat together. Those very moments are ahead of you as they are for all of us.

There's a lot of pain around this, Elliott, for everyone. I just ask that we all do our respective parts to life peaceably with each other and not provoke old news to be rehashed.

"In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things love."

Good words for us all if we internalize them and don't leave them on our denominational website as windowdressing. We may disagree about the essentials but we are still called to love.

The question is, can set aside the anger and pain and do so? That is yet to be seen...

Elliott Scott said...


Um, before you accuse me of "provoking old issues", let me point out a couple of things.

I am not going around to your blog and other PCUSA blogs and constantly talking about PCUSA stuff. If you want to make that particular criticism, it would be more valid elsewhere.

I made one post (out of how many so far?) on this blog to comment on a very recent development in the PCUSA which confirms everything we argued about last fall.

If one post seems excessive to the PCUSA'ers, all I can say is you guys must really dislike David Fischler, Toby Brown and the rest of bloggers who are quite constant in their very critical evaluations of the PCUSA.

Now I'm really done.

One of the reasons for leaving the PCUSA is the constant arguments one is doomed to have in that organization. This is too time consuming and I'm far too busy building something new to waste energy having empty discussions. Especially on the internet.

Goodbye PCUSA. Fairwell. Adios. God bless and good night.

I'm going to delete anymore PCUSA comments from the blog. This blog is for other things. If you really want to continue this conversation, give me a phone call and invite me for coffee. The number is on the church's website.