Sarah Howes is my hero. Back in April or May when we were forming the new church, it didn't look like we were going to be able to put together a Vacation Bible School this summer. Sarah decided to do something about it. She came up with a plan for Splash, a water-themed VBS, which she organized for the kids of Lifepath Church at Bear Creek Park. At 13 years of age she is already an amazing person.

39 kids from age 4 and up have registered. They come in bathing suits for water games and Bible stories. Here is Rhonda Armor telling the kids a Bible story. I didn't know Rhonda was actually a professional story teller back in Louisiana.

Sarah recruited lots of help. Here she is with Jenny Snyder. They are either doing sign language to a song with the word Lord in it or or possibly telling the kids they're losers. No, I'm sure they're signing....

Sarah got a lot of help from other youth in the church. Here are three of them with the biggest water gun I have ever seen.

Josh Holl is prepared to learn the Bible and commit some water-based violence.

Here are a couple of people we know getting into the spirit of things.

Two of my favorite kids. I wonder what happened to Jake's glasses?

Our Director of Student Ministries, Nicholas Jones, looks like he lost the water gun duel.

It's all about the kids. And the early reports are they are having a blast. Thanks to all who are helping and especially to Sarah. I'm so proud to be a part of a church with a person like her in it!
What a powerful example our LifePath youth are to our church. When this void opened up Sara stepped in and led us forward.
What a gift to the church our youth are.
Thanks to everyone who followed Sara's lead and joined to make VBS move forward.
thanks elliot!
you are too kind!
but it isn't just me leading these kids.
i have lots of awesome volunteers helping me!
hope to see you at our family picnic at the pavilion tomorrow!
thanks again!
btw-i'm not 15 yet. in another year and two days i will be though.
Doh! I fixed the original post and made you 13.
Happy 14th two days in advance!
We are so proud of you Sarah--you are a such a blessing! You are truly "living a life worthy of the calling" already--keep it up.
Wow Sarah,you are my hero!! You deserve all the praise for your hard work and determination. You are always putting others first...and again the kids benefit from your love and kindness. I am a better person for knowing you and having you in my life.
God Bless you-
WOW - Because of Sarah and all the other VBS volunteers, our inside-out vision is already in motion!! God has to be smiling. Thanks to everyone involved and especially to Sarah.
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