There are bad movies and then there are movies that are so bad that they're fun to watch and then there's "Plan 9 From Outer Space."
It has it all - a plot involving aliens who use zombies to stop humanity from accidentally blowing up sunlight and thereby destroying the universe; a dead leading actor (Bela Lugosi died after filming his first scene and the rest of his scenes are played by another actor); constant production mistakes such as flying saucers that are described as "cigar shaped" which are actually shaped like.....saucers; and some of the most amazing dialogue ever written.
Here is a 5 minute clip of some of the best lines:
I disagree... Snakes on a Plane is the best Worst movie of all time...
"Snakes on a Plane" definitely makes the list of top 20 Great Bad Movies.
But there's a difference. "Snakes" knows it's bad. True it revels in its awfulness but that self-awareness limits its ability to truly suck.
On the other hand, "Plan 9" has no self awareness at all that it is a train wreck
I give you the following dialogue:
Man #1: Modern women!
Man #2: Yeah, and they've been that way all through the ages.
And it's all said without a trace of irony! You simply can't do that anymore.
No my friend. "Snakes" is a great bad moveie but it cannot touch the sublime ineptitude of "Plan 9."
So I've been challenging Elliott as to whether Ed Wood was either a satirical genius entirely unappreciated in his time or a self-diluted idiot who couldn't find a coherent thought with both hands and a flashlight. The real question, though, is... which is really the more optimistic view?
OK, now you are in my area of expertise. Ed Wood was a relative genuis film-maker next to Francis Coleman or Harold Warren. But even the infamous Manos: The Hands of Fate (translated: Hands: The Hands of Fate!!!)made by Warren is Lawrence of Arabia next to...ta da: Monster A-Go-Go. The most wretched piece of filmaking EVER!!It is excruciating even MST3K'd. The monster is a tall balding man in a duct taped jumpsuit. They drink coffee...nothing happens...they drink more coffee...more nothing happens...AHHHHHHH. My favorite part is the scene where a phone rings and it is clearly someone off-camera making a ringing noise with their mouth. OMG!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Elliott, Plan 9 is definitely bad, but it can't match Monster A-Go-Go for sheer celluloid punishment.
In the more modern vein, Caddyshack 2 is unbelievably bad, especially in comparison to the classic original.
I dunno. I think there's a certain legendary quality to Plan 9. It just seems to get better with age. I have a feeling my grandchildren will be watching it with their friends and laughing.
Jack? Is that you?
Monster-A-Go-Go sounds like something I need to check out, at least on Youtube.
But you are tragically wrong to compare it with Plan 9. Plan 9 is awful in interesting ways. Being bad in dull ways (drinking coffee for an hour?) is just....dull.
I think we need to somehow include bad movies into a community event in the future.
Yep, I missed the title (and the point), "Best" Worst Movie of All Time. Plan 9 is bad, but entertaining in its badness. Very few movies actually reach that sort of level. Roger Corman's got some good ones, ever seen "It Conquered the World" with Lee Van Cleef & Peter Graves? Another one you might like is "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank" very 80's with Raoul Julia. Very strange and awful... oh and Hobgoblins, which was kind of a Gremlins ripoff-very over the top and bad, bad, bad.
Yes Elliott, it's Jack. I did miss the title (and the point) of "Best" Worst Movies. Plan 9 is bad in a very entertaining way. Few movies actually achieve that kind of status. Roger Corman has done some good ones - ever see "It Conquered the World" with Lee Van Cleef and Peter Graves, or "The Thing that Couldn't Die"? Very cool stuff. I'll bring you a copy of Monster A Go Go (the MST version so at least it will be watchable). It's fun...
I haven't seen "The Thing That Wouldn't Die" but there was a guy in college who used to come into our dorm room and we referred to him as "The Thing That Wouldn't Leave."
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