With Greg gone on the youth mission trip, I filled in during the Family Worship Service last Sunday. That service is normally high energy but as you might imagine, the level of chaos went up a bit with me doing Greg's part. At one point I had to tell the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5, using Mike Brentari, Jack Schloz and Dalmo Barros as human puppets. Someone with an Iphone grabbed a few pics.
Above, you can see me putting Brentari in the position I wanted him in. For some reason I had to grab his ears to do it.

The guys were good sports and I think they have a great future on the human puppet circuit.
Who is responsible for putting this image of me in an apron on the blog? This is an outrage!
And what sort of twisted person actually took a photo of me in this apron?? I have a feeling it was STAN who appears to have forwarded this photo only moments before leaving town for vacation.
It wasn't Stan. I probably shouldn't say *coughTeresaGibsoncough* who it was.
Oh, and she also left for vacation moments after sending me the photo.
Uh, wait a minute... do my eyes deceive me or are you NOT wearing a suit????
BTW, Brentari, you are so cute!
ITS ALREADY SPREAD TO OHIO!!!Melissa, I am horrified that you have seen this! Please dont show this to anyone in your crew!
Ok...my apologies to Stan and I do hope he and his crew have a great and well deserved vacation!
I told several of the performers in our family worship service that after Sunday, I have a whole new appreciation for their talents and guts in getting up there and leading such great services for families. I dont know how they do it!
Teresa Gibson!! Eh Tu Brutus?
It's been said that real men wear pink, but I think only real men wear aprons and carry feather dusters in front of a crowd.
I think it looks awesome! Wish we could have been there to share it! Miss you all SOO much.
We miss you too, Ben and/or Diane! I hope San Antonio is treating you well.
Oh my gosh! I've been ratted out? I can't believe it! Elliott, I thought we had a bond of trust between us! But, gee, Mike, I thought you'd be proud of my efforts with my tiny little iPhone camera...not all of us can be as accomplished with a shutter as you and your fancy machine ;)
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