Monday, September 15, 2008

After Ike

There is still no power at our house but the office is already up and running, which allows me to make this post.

Our home suffered no damage save the loss of two fences and some downed limbs. But if you know my wife Allie, then you know that by now the fence debris has been removed, our yard is cleaned up and actually looks better than before the storm hit.

Worship with the Copperfield Church was good. Larry preached a great sermon on forgiveness and asked me to give a prayer during the service. I was pleased to see so many of the Lifepath people were in attendance but I worry, of course, about everyone who wasn't there. The lack of phones and email access really gives one a helpless feeling.

Greg has begun calling people, trying to find out if anyone needs help. So far everyone has been OK. We will be setting up a system to get people the help they need. I believe there is already something up on the website. I look forward to us helping people in the community as well as the people of Lifepath Church. It is a great opportunity to begin living the "Inside-Out" vision.

God has been good and we continue to pray for the rapid recovery for all affected by Hurricane Ike.


The Curtis Crew said...

I'm so glad you guys are ok and your home had minimal damage. Ike made his appearance in Ohio (can you believe it?) Sunday night with winds up to 80 mph in some areas. I heard the wind, but didn't know it was as bad as it was until Monday morning when trying to get to school. It was like an obstacle course with trees and power lines down and roads closed. Some folks are still without power today and may be all week. Crazy! I thought we escaped hurricane territory! Tell Allie hello for me!

Elliott Scott said...

So you move to Ohio and the hurricanes are still following you?

Our power came on last night around, so life is getting back to normal.

But Galveston is a mess and the Bolivar Pennisula was destroyed.