Monday, July 21, 2008

New Praise Band Member?

Well, it's Monday again. But how many times have you said to yourself, "What would happen if a 60-year-old Italian Capuchin monk went to a Metallica concert and decided he wanted to be the lead singer of his own band?"

Yes, he is a real monk. Yes, his band tours in Europe with Slayer and Judas Priest.

Thanks to David Fischler over at the Reformed Pastor blog for finding this one.


Anonymous said...

Speaking as a member of the praise band, it's encouraging to know there are still opportunities out there no matter how white, gray, or blue ones hair gets...

Anonymous said...

He loves music, sings with gusto, has a cool beard, a great robe, and he is Italian!! That sort of combination rarely comes around and when it put the guy in a band!!
Although I will say this...he does not quite have the beautiful head of hair that Stan and I have.

schlossadler said...

Don't worry Stan, your hair still RULES!!!!!!!!!

Can I order the lasers and fog machine now?!?!?!?!?!

Elliott Scott said...

Ok, three thumbs up from the musicians.

That's either a good sign or a scary one.

Anonymous said...

ok... now I've seen it all, atleast I hope I have.
That totally freaked me out.
Who would have thought that a Pastor's blog could be so frightening !
More Zombies, Less Monks .

Elliott Scott said...

Oh come on! I like the heavy metal monk.

And what's up with all the zombie fans all of a sudden?