The Island (one feels the need to capitalize) in "Lost" is a place where the lines of time, space, life and death become blurred. People move forward and backward in time. Dead people appear to the living. The entire Island can apparently move.
Increasingly it's hard to avoid the conclusion that the Island is only a metaphor for something much deeper.
I have a theory which I think helps a lot of the details fall into place. Please don't click unless you are ready to have the mystery resolved:
I would like to point out that like most women Ginger is wearing heels in her bikini. I would also like to add heels were highly useful for looking good as a castaway.
Yes, everyone knows that Gilligan is really the secretive "Jacob" who rules the Others in Lost.
And personally, I think the whole heels/bikini look is long overdue for a come back.
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