Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back from Cleveland

Allie and I spent most of last week out of town. My parents watched the kids (thanks, Gran and Pop!) and we got to spend a couple days away. What exciting romantic spot did we pick?

Well, we were at the New Wineskins Presbytery meeting in sunny Cleveland, Ohio. And what could be better than attending a presbytery meeting.....in Cleveland.....in November?

Actually, it was fun. We got to meet some new people and forge some new friendships. Presbyterian pastors tend to let their hair down when they're away from home and there were some late night sessions involving the smoking of cigars. I did my best to not look like too big a geek around all the cool kids.

Plus, we got to spend some time with our former worship director Melissa Curtis and her husband Jason who actually seem to like the weather up there. Melissa has written about our day with them on her blog found here.

We miss you too, Jason and Melissa!

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